Why can't I invest with my auto-invest strategy?

Make sure your auto-invest strategy is turned on.

If you have set up a Basic auto-invest strategy, it is turned on, and you cannot invest in new projects it means that the current demand outweighs the supply and there is a “queue” within the system to make new investments.

If you have set up an Advanced auto-invest strategy, it is turned on, and you cannot invest in new projects try adjusting your criteria. If your selected criteria match last projects and you still cannot invest it means that the current demand outweighs the supply and there is a “queue” within the system to make new investments.

LANDE auto-invest tool is picking investments based on First come, First served (FCFS) method. If you were not able to invest in new projects, try keeping your auto-invest strategy turned on and see if you can invest in upcoming projects.